29. September 2020
A tough, yet gentle view on love in Indian society.

11. Dezember 2019
This article is a rough run through some of the themes and motifs the series "Buffy - The Vampire Slayer" offers.
12. September 2019
It's been a while, since I last posted something. This has many reasons - having a job, moving, summertime and holiday-time, but I am still working on new articles to come, about a film, a festival and (hopefully) new books.
23. Januar 2019
Coming up...
13. Februar 2018
My thoughts on an accident of a coach during Cologne's Rosenmontag's parade.

23. Januar 2018
I went, I saw, I changed. The first day of what was to become the trip of a lifetime.

05. Dezember 2017
When on Facebook, you find the most interesting things. I found this picture, shared by a friend from a writer's page and thought it, as he did, to be a solid exercise for my writing skills. Thus, I went for it. I hoped that many of my friends would comment and that I could let my creativity run free for a bit.

16. November 2017
Yes, it's cheesy and full of bacon goodness and it is one of the most satisfying dishes I've created so far. It's food for a rainy day, a hard day or an especially hungry day.

17. Oktober 2017
Atmospheric, claustrophobic and restless - a society deeply in turmoil between the ambitious task to settle on new planets and the dystopian reality of hell on earth.

03. Oktober 2017
The expectations I had when I sat down in front of the big screen were not fulfilled because the film was different. I had expected a somewhat traditional romance within the story that envelopes different strands of storytelling. In short (for those who are afraid of spoilers), it was: - good - sad - frightening and upsetting - historically accurate (compared with what I know through my studies in Indology and British Studies) - surprisingly honest - heartwarming For those who are not

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